FAQ: "I see a lot of negative articles and reports about e-cigs in the media, some saying that e-cigs are even more harmful than regular cigarettes.. What's up with that?"
Answer: Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. It causes many different cancers as well as chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and heart disease. The pharmaceutical corporation rakes in a reported $2 trillion GDP globally, from tobacco related illnesses alone. 95% of which is entirely preventable by simply not smoking cigarettes.
In the past ten years or so, global tobacco use rates have started decreasing, with the largest decrease seen within the past 5 years. Why? E-cigs.
What does this mean for BigPharma? HUGE LOSS IN INCOME. Fewer and fewer people are turning to the pharmaceutical industry for cessation drugs and treatments for tobacco related illnesses like, cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc. As the rate of tobacco related illness continues to plummet and the use of electronic cigarettes rises, BigPharma is scrambling for a way to put a stop their ever increasing income loss.
So what do they do? Well, being as they are a mutli-trillion dollar corporation, they have a lot of pull and power as far as the media and government are concerned. And so, they spread oodles of propaganda, preying on the naivety and gullibility of a good portion of this country's population. This includes publishing "studies" with misleading headlines -hoping you won't read the actual study itself, or worse, publishing outright misinformation (aka, lies).
You see, if BigPharma can confuse or scare a decent portion of the population away from switching to e-cigs, they can hope to preserve their death and illness toll profit. Because, it's not your health they care about, it's your money..
Despite the claim that "we don't know what's in them", or "we don't know if e-cigs are safe", or what the "health effects are", the truth is, none of that is true and is a willfully ignorant cop out. Multiple conclusive scientific and medical studies have been done that indicate the vapor inhaled and exhaled is in fact, not harmful to the user or bystander. Nicotine by itself is comparable to caffeine -no more harmful or addictive than such. Which is why the tobacco corporation adds thousand of harmful, deadly chemicals to create a chemical dependency above and beyond simple nicotine.
Moral of the story is, don't believe everything you see or hear in the media. Money rules this planet and anything you see getting a lot of attention in the media, is fueled by a corporation's quest for profit, regardless of the subject matter.
(Not so fun) fact: Worldwide, tobacco use causes nearly 6 million deaths per year.
By choosing vapor over tobacco, you are saving your health (and in many cases, your life), you're saving up to and exceeding $1000 a year in cigarette cost alone (not to mention insurance premiums, medical and dental costs, vehicle and home depreciation, etc), and you are supporting a free enterprise industry that is vastly helping save people's lives and stomp out BigTobacco's/BigPharma's immoral business practices rooted in killing people for profit.
Your health and well being is our top priority. The same can be said for many and most independent vapor retailers and manufacturers. We work to combat illogical legislation that would deprive you of your right to a better lifestyle. Can the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry say the same? Sure, if they lie :)
Answer: Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. It causes many different cancers as well as chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and heart disease. The pharmaceutical corporation rakes in a reported $2 trillion GDP globally, from tobacco related illnesses alone. 95% of which is entirely preventable by simply not smoking cigarettes.
In the past ten years or so, global tobacco use rates have started decreasing, with the largest decrease seen within the past 5 years. Why? E-cigs.
What does this mean for BigPharma? HUGE LOSS IN INCOME. Fewer and fewer people are turning to the pharmaceutical industry for cessation drugs and treatments for tobacco related illnesses like, cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc. As the rate of tobacco related illness continues to plummet and the use of electronic cigarettes rises, BigPharma is scrambling for a way to put a stop their ever increasing income loss.
So what do they do? Well, being as they are a mutli-trillion dollar corporation, they have a lot of pull and power as far as the media and government are concerned. And so, they spread oodles of propaganda, preying on the naivety and gullibility of a good portion of this country's population. This includes publishing "studies" with misleading headlines -hoping you won't read the actual study itself, or worse, publishing outright misinformation (aka, lies).
You see, if BigPharma can confuse or scare a decent portion of the population away from switching to e-cigs, they can hope to preserve their death and illness toll profit. Because, it's not your health they care about, it's your money..
Despite the claim that "we don't know what's in them", or "we don't know if e-cigs are safe", or what the "health effects are", the truth is, none of that is true and is a willfully ignorant cop out. Multiple conclusive scientific and medical studies have been done that indicate the vapor inhaled and exhaled is in fact, not harmful to the user or bystander. Nicotine by itself is comparable to caffeine -no more harmful or addictive than such. Which is why the tobacco corporation adds thousand of harmful, deadly chemicals to create a chemical dependency above and beyond simple nicotine.
Moral of the story is, don't believe everything you see or hear in the media. Money rules this planet and anything you see getting a lot of attention in the media, is fueled by a corporation's quest for profit, regardless of the subject matter.
(Not so fun) fact: Worldwide, tobacco use causes nearly 6 million deaths per year.
By choosing vapor over tobacco, you are saving your health (and in many cases, your life), you're saving up to and exceeding $1000 a year in cigarette cost alone (not to mention insurance premiums, medical and dental costs, vehicle and home depreciation, etc), and you are supporting a free enterprise industry that is vastly helping save people's lives and stomp out BigTobacco's/BigPharma's immoral business practices rooted in killing people for profit.
Your health and well being is our top priority. The same can be said for many and most independent vapor retailers and manufacturers. We work to combat illogical legislation that would deprive you of your right to a better lifestyle. Can the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry say the same? Sure, if they lie :)