Update: HF 3032 (total statewide flavor ban) hearing re-routed to Health and Human Services Policy Committee
Apparently, the author of HF 3032 who sits on the House Commerce Committee called in sick, so the hearing for this bill has been referred to the Health and Human Services Policy Committee. Coincidentally, four HF 3032 signors sit on this committee. Perhaps the author of the bill didn't think HF 3032 would make it through Commerce Committee due to all the opposition they're receiving and made a move to get it in front of a committee that she thought it had a better chance of passing though? One can only speculate. In any case, we need to keep applying pressure!
1) If you haven't yet, please complete the CASAA Call to Action and add your name to the pre-written letter. Add your personal account of how flavored eliquid helps you abstain from smoking for maximum impact! This letter will go to your Reps based on your zip code. Your Reps need to hear from you, their constituents!
2) Email the entire Health and Human Services Policy Committee and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 and keep flavored vaping products legal! This committee will be voting on whether or not to pass this bill though to the next stage or to kill it so it is VERY IMPORTANT they hear from you!
Copy and paste emails for the Health and Human Services Policy Committee:
rep.rena.moran@house.mn, rep.kelly.morrison@house.mn, rep.deb.kiel@house.mn, rep.tony.albright@house.mn, rep.jeff.backer@house.mn, rep.kristin.bahner@house.mn, rep.heather.edelson@house.mn, rep.peter.fischer@house.mn, rep.mike.freiberg@house.mn, rep.john.huot@house.mn, rep.tina.liebling@house.mn, rep.alice.mann@house.mn, rep.anne.neu@house.mn, rep.nels.pierson@house.mn, rep.dave.pinto@house.mn, rep.kristin.robbins@house.mn, rep.joe.schomacker@house.mn, rep.jennifer.schultz@house.mn
3) Call and/or tweet as many members of the HHSP committee as you can!
Health and Human Services Policy Committee Contact Info:
Also: @jdhuot @huotforhouse
Points to include in your emails, phone calls, and spoken comments:
Tell them that you are opposed to HF 3032.
Briefly, share your story about switching to vaping and what role that flavors played in helping you switch.
Note any health changes you’ve experienced.
Briefly, discuss what losing access to local vape shops will mean for you (Will you shop out-of-state, in neighboring cities, or online? Will you make your own e-liquid at home or purchase products on an underground market?).
As always, remember to be respectful when corresponding with legislators. Disrespectful comments will be detrimental to our efforts.
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HF 3032 (total statewide flavor ban) will be heard TOMORROW by the MN House Commerce Committee!
Take Action NOW to save vaping in MN! Contact legislators and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 that would ban the sale of all flavored eliquid in Minnesota! MN Reps need to hear from adult vapers and anyone who loves someone that has benefited from vaping! A flavor ban won’t protect our children, but it will kill their parents.
Here's what you can do TODAY to help save vaping:
HF 3032 (total statewide flavor ban) will be heard TOMORROW by the MN House Commerce Committee!
Take Action NOW to save vaping in MN! Contact legislators and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 that would ban the sale of all flavored eliquid in Minnesota!
1) Follow this link to the CASAA Call to Action and add your name to the pre-written letter. Add your personal account of how flavored eliquid helps you abstain from smoking for maximum impact! This letter will go to your Reps based on your zip code.
2) Email the entire House Commerce Committee and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 and keep flavored vaping products legal!
Copy and paste emails for the committee:
rep.laurie.halverson@house.mn, rep.zack.stephenson@house.mn, rep.tim.odriscoll@house.mn, rep.andrew.carlson@house.mn,
rep.greg.davids@house.mn, rep.raymond.dehn@house.mn, rep.steve.elkins@house.mn, rep.pat.garofalo@house.mn, rep.barb.haley@house.mn, rep.michael.howard@house.mn, rep.carlie.kotyza-witthuhn@house.mn, rep.ron.kresha@house.mn, rep.john.lesch@house.mn, rep.dave.lislegard@house.mn, rep.tim.mahoney@house.mn, rep.marion.oneill@house.mn, rep.ruth.richardson@house.mn, rep.chris.swedzinski@house.mn, rep.brad.tabke@house.mn, rep.tama.theis@house.mn
3) Please also take a moment to call (and tweet) as many members of the committee as you can. Talking points and contact information can be found here. https://www.votervoice.net/CASAA/Campaigns/71446/Respond
Points to include in your emails, phone calls, and spoken comments:
Tell them that you are opposed to HF 3032.
Briefly, share your story about switching to vaping and what role that flavors played in helping you switch.
Note any health changes you’ve experienced.
Briefly, discuss what losing access to local vape shops will mean for you (Will you shop out-of-state, in neighboring cities, or online? Will you make your own e-liquid at home or purchase products on an underground market?).
As always, remember to be respectful when corresponding with legislators. Disrespectful comments will be detrimental to our efforts.
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Apparently, the author of HF 3032 who sits on the House Commerce Committee called in sick, so the hearing for this bill has been referred to the Health and Human Services Policy Committee. Coincidentally, four HF 3032 signors sit on this committee. Perhaps the author of the bill didn't think HF 3032 would make it through Commerce Committee due to all the opposition they're receiving and made a move to get it in front of a committee that she thought it had a better chance of passing though? One can only speculate. In any case, we need to keep applying pressure!
1) If you haven't yet, please complete the CASAA Call to Action and add your name to the pre-written letter. Add your personal account of how flavored eliquid helps you abstain from smoking for maximum impact! This letter will go to your Reps based on your zip code. Your Reps need to hear from you, their constituents!
2) Email the entire Health and Human Services Policy Committee and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 and keep flavored vaping products legal! This committee will be voting on whether or not to pass this bill though to the next stage or to kill it so it is VERY IMPORTANT they hear from you!
Copy and paste emails for the Health and Human Services Policy Committee:
rep.rena.moran@house.mn, rep.kelly.morrison@house.mn, rep.deb.kiel@house.mn, rep.tony.albright@house.mn, rep.jeff.backer@house.mn, rep.kristin.bahner@house.mn, rep.heather.edelson@house.mn, rep.peter.fischer@house.mn, rep.mike.freiberg@house.mn, rep.john.huot@house.mn, rep.tina.liebling@house.mn, rep.alice.mann@house.mn, rep.anne.neu@house.mn, rep.nels.pierson@house.mn, rep.dave.pinto@house.mn, rep.kristin.robbins@house.mn, rep.joe.schomacker@house.mn, rep.jennifer.schultz@house.mn
3) Call and/or tweet as many members of the HHSP committee as you can!
Health and Human Services Policy Committee Contact Info:
- Committee Chair - Rep. Rena Moran (DFL) District: 65A
- Vice Chair - Rep. Kelly Morrison (DFL) District: 33B
- Republican Lead - Rep. Debra Kiel (R) District: 01B
- Rep. Tony Albright (R) District: 55B
- Rep. Jeff Backer (R) District: 12A
- Rep. Kristin Bahner (DFL) District: 34B
- Rep. Heather Edelson (DFL) District: 49A
- Rep. Peter Fischer (DFL) District: 43A
- Rep. Mike Freiberg (DFL) District: 45B
- Rep. John Huot (DFL) District: 57B
Also: @jdhuot @huotforhouse
- Rep. Tina Liebling (DFL) District: 26A
- Rep. Alice Mann (DFL) District: 56B
- Rep. Anne Neu (R) District: 32B
- Rep. Nels Pierson (R) District: 26B
- Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL) District: 64B
- Rep. Kristin Robbins (R) District: 34A
- Rep. Joe Schomacker (R) District: 22A
- Rep. Jennifer Schultz (DFL) District: 07A
Points to include in your emails, phone calls, and spoken comments:
Tell them that you are opposed to HF 3032.
Briefly, share your story about switching to vaping and what role that flavors played in helping you switch.
Note any health changes you’ve experienced.
Briefly, discuss what losing access to local vape shops will mean for you (Will you shop out-of-state, in neighboring cities, or online? Will you make your own e-liquid at home or purchase products on an underground market?).
As always, remember to be respectful when corresponding with legislators. Disrespectful comments will be detrimental to our efforts.
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HF 3032 (total statewide flavor ban) will be heard TOMORROW by the MN House Commerce Committee!
Take Action NOW to save vaping in MN! Contact legislators and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 that would ban the sale of all flavored eliquid in Minnesota! MN Reps need to hear from adult vapers and anyone who loves someone that has benefited from vaping! A flavor ban won’t protect our children, but it will kill their parents.
Here's what you can do TODAY to help save vaping:
HF 3032 (total statewide flavor ban) will be heard TOMORROW by the MN House Commerce Committee!
Take Action NOW to save vaping in MN! Contact legislators and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 that would ban the sale of all flavored eliquid in Minnesota!
1) Follow this link to the CASAA Call to Action and add your name to the pre-written letter. Add your personal account of how flavored eliquid helps you abstain from smoking for maximum impact! This letter will go to your Reps based on your zip code.
2) Email the entire House Commerce Committee and urge them to OPPOSE HF 3032 and keep flavored vaping products legal!
Copy and paste emails for the committee:
rep.laurie.halverson@house.mn, rep.zack.stephenson@house.mn, rep.tim.odriscoll@house.mn, rep.andrew.carlson@house.mn,
rep.greg.davids@house.mn, rep.raymond.dehn@house.mn, rep.steve.elkins@house.mn, rep.pat.garofalo@house.mn, rep.barb.haley@house.mn, rep.michael.howard@house.mn, rep.carlie.kotyza-witthuhn@house.mn, rep.ron.kresha@house.mn, rep.john.lesch@house.mn, rep.dave.lislegard@house.mn, rep.tim.mahoney@house.mn, rep.marion.oneill@house.mn, rep.ruth.richardson@house.mn, rep.chris.swedzinski@house.mn, rep.brad.tabke@house.mn, rep.tama.theis@house.mn
3) Please also take a moment to call (and tweet) as many members of the committee as you can. Talking points and contact information can be found here. https://www.votervoice.net/CASAA/Campaigns/71446/Respond
Points to include in your emails, phone calls, and spoken comments:
Tell them that you are opposed to HF 3032.
Briefly, share your story about switching to vaping and what role that flavors played in helping you switch.
Note any health changes you’ve experienced.
Briefly, discuss what losing access to local vape shops will mean for you (Will you shop out-of-state, in neighboring cities, or online? Will you make your own e-liquid at home or purchase products on an underground market?).
As always, remember to be respectful when corresponding with legislators. Disrespectful comments will be detrimental to our efforts.
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What's really going on with the lung illness outbreak, national flavor ban, and what you can do about it.
Dear Friends,
By now, most of you have seen the media hysteria regarding vaping that’s been sweeping the nation over the past few weeks. If you’re familiar with the war on vaping that’s been waging since vaping gutted the tobacco and pharmaceutical nicotine market, then you probably already see right through the dog and pony show.
However, if you’re just tuning in, things probably seem confusing, or even downright scary. We’d like to take a moment to unpack the current state of things, help you understand what’s really going on, and outline precisely what we do from here.
The Royal College of Physicians - the first to warn us of the harms of smoking back in 1962 - determined vaping to be a minimum of 95% less harmful than smoking in 2016. With millions of smokers switching to vaping every year, adult and youth smoking rates are at historic lows - which means the coffers that were once overflowing with tobacco tax money are now drying up. Additionally, people who wish to quit smoking no longer need to go through pharmaceutical channels that are expensive and ineffective for most. In other words, the vaping industry is a huge threat to Big Tobacco and Big Pharma revenue. Also, did you know that the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) is 100% funded by tobacco user fees?
It’s no surprise that these conglomerate powers will stop at nothing to first eliminate, then control, the vaping market. And of course, the most effective way to force their will is to scare the public into submission. Big Corporations lobby and bribe legislators to pass legislation that benefits their agenda while simultaneously fear-mongering voters via the media into supporting said legislation… Its a strategy as old as the ages.
Reports of a “mysterious vaping illness”, the latest tool in the anti-vaping war chest, are erroneously being used to demonize legitimate nicotine eliquid and vaping products. Vaping [nicotine] has been on the market for over a decade. To date, none of the cases of lung illness are being linked to a legal, commercially available nicotine vapor product. Rather, the actual cause of the illness has been linked to black market illicit THC/synthetic THC cartridges made with solvents and additives that are not safe for vaping. This situation is a result of cannabis prohibition creating a black market of unregulated products - as is the nature of prohibitions.
Instead of responsibly gathering all of the facts to properly inform the public - the media, public health officials, and legislators have resorted to conflating illicit THC cartridges with commercially available vapor products. This has caused undue hysteria, resulting in bad policy-making.
To learn more, read: Beyond the headlines: What's really going on with the lung illness outbreak?
Youth vaping is the hot topic. Claims that vaping by young people is up 25% circulate the media while little focus is given to the fact that smoking by the same demographic is down by 28%, a historic low. These numbers are from the early findings of the 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS). The survey counts ‘one puff in the last 30 days’ as “regular use” - lumping experimental users in with habitual users - making for an inaccurate depiction of what actual youth use rates really are.
Flavor bans will do nothing to prevent the black market sale of tainted illicit cartridges, and therefore do nothing to address the issue. Instead, a prohibition on flavored nicotine products would send millions of ex-smokers back to smoking, destroy thousands of small businesses, and leave thousands of people unemployed while setting the stage for the largest black market for unregulated nicotine products in U.S. history.
It is imperative to educate your loved ones on this important issue so they don’t go back to smoking, and to keep them safe from black market products.
Remember, only purchase vapor products from legitimate, legal manufacturers and retailers and stay away from underground black market THC/synthetic THC cartridges/products.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Now more than ever, we must unite and fight to save the very thing that saved us.
Thank you for your time. Together we can save vaping!
Masterpiece Vapors
Dear Friends,
By now, most of you have seen the media hysteria regarding vaping that’s been sweeping the nation over the past few weeks. If you’re familiar with the war on vaping that’s been waging since vaping gutted the tobacco and pharmaceutical nicotine market, then you probably already see right through the dog and pony show.
However, if you’re just tuning in, things probably seem confusing, or even downright scary. We’d like to take a moment to unpack the current state of things, help you understand what’s really going on, and outline precisely what we do from here.
The Royal College of Physicians - the first to warn us of the harms of smoking back in 1962 - determined vaping to be a minimum of 95% less harmful than smoking in 2016. With millions of smokers switching to vaping every year, adult and youth smoking rates are at historic lows - which means the coffers that were once overflowing with tobacco tax money are now drying up. Additionally, people who wish to quit smoking no longer need to go through pharmaceutical channels that are expensive and ineffective for most. In other words, the vaping industry is a huge threat to Big Tobacco and Big Pharma revenue. Also, did you know that the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) is 100% funded by tobacco user fees?
It’s no surprise that these conglomerate powers will stop at nothing to first eliminate, then control, the vaping market. And of course, the most effective way to force their will is to scare the public into submission. Big Corporations lobby and bribe legislators to pass legislation that benefits their agenda while simultaneously fear-mongering voters via the media into supporting said legislation… Its a strategy as old as the ages.
Reports of a “mysterious vaping illness”, the latest tool in the anti-vaping war chest, are erroneously being used to demonize legitimate nicotine eliquid and vaping products. Vaping [nicotine] has been on the market for over a decade. To date, none of the cases of lung illness are being linked to a legal, commercially available nicotine vapor product. Rather, the actual cause of the illness has been linked to black market illicit THC/synthetic THC cartridges made with solvents and additives that are not safe for vaping. This situation is a result of cannabis prohibition creating a black market of unregulated products - as is the nature of prohibitions.
Instead of responsibly gathering all of the facts to properly inform the public - the media, public health officials, and legislators have resorted to conflating illicit THC cartridges with commercially available vapor products. This has caused undue hysteria, resulting in bad policy-making.
To learn more, read: Beyond the headlines: What's really going on with the lung illness outbreak?
Youth vaping is the hot topic. Claims that vaping by young people is up 25% circulate the media while little focus is given to the fact that smoking by the same demographic is down by 28%, a historic low. These numbers are from the early findings of the 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS). The survey counts ‘one puff in the last 30 days’ as “regular use” - lumping experimental users in with habitual users - making for an inaccurate depiction of what actual youth use rates really are.
Flavor bans will do nothing to prevent the black market sale of tainted illicit cartridges, and therefore do nothing to address the issue. Instead, a prohibition on flavored nicotine products would send millions of ex-smokers back to smoking, destroy thousands of small businesses, and leave thousands of people unemployed while setting the stage for the largest black market for unregulated nicotine products in U.S. history.
It is imperative to educate your loved ones on this important issue so they don’t go back to smoking, and to keep them safe from black market products.
Remember, only purchase vapor products from legitimate, legal manufacturers and retailers and stay away from underground black market THC/synthetic THC cartridges/products.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Now more than ever, we must unite and fight to save the very thing that saved us.
Thank you for your time. Together we can save vaping!
Masterpiece Vapors